Health Services

Welcome to Dodge Middle School Health Services

The school nurse at DMS is Kassie Ochoa 

DAILY ROUTINE in the Health Office may include but is not limited to:
  • Giving prescribed daily medications and other "as needed" medications (MD and parent/guardian permission/signature required).
  • Providing evaluation and/or care as needed for students with illness or injuries.
  • Assisting with collection of data and record-keeping of immunizations and various health screenings (i.e., hearing and vision).
Helpful Reminders:
  • If your child needs to go home due to sickness or injury, you or your designee must come to the Health Office to pick up your child and check him out from school.
  • In order to best serve your child's needs, if you anticipate that your child may need Tylenol/Ibuprofen during the school day (headaches, cramps, orthodontic visits, etc.) please be proactive by securing and completing necessary forms and supply the Health Office with a small bottle of medication in original container labeled with your student's name.
  • If your child needs to be excused from Phy. Ed., a doctor's note is required.
  • For Medication Authorization forms and additional health information, visit the District Health Services web page.
Please feel free to call with questions or concerns.  I am here each school day from 8:30 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.

Phone: 651-460-1506
Fax:     651-460-1510
e-mail: [email protected]